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Ich war ja ziemlich überrascht als ich das erste Album der Hamburger Band KICKHUNTER in meinen Player schob. Schon beim ersten Song wusste ich, die Songs beinhalten Wiederholungsgefahr in Bezug auf das Einlegen und Anhören. Alle Songs sind so stark, dass sie einem sofort in die Beine und vor allem in den Gehörgang gehen, dass sie sich dort richtig bei mir festsetzten. Jetzt aber genug des Lobes und lassen Gitarrist Stefan Aurel zu Worte kommen, der sich auch mit für das Songwriting verantwortlich zeigt.

Die Bandmitglieder von KICKHUNTER kommen alle aus Hamburg. Das Line-up setzt sich zusammen aus Sänger Jörg Wesenberg (Mendoca, Rex), den Gitarristen Roland Feldmann (ex-Doc Eisenhauer, Shockmachine, Long Tall 69) und Stefan Aurel (Wildflowers, Whiskey Smile, Long Tall 69), Bassist Markus Großkopf (Helloween), Drummer Karsten Kreppert (Dr. D, Doc Eisenhauer) und Keyboarder Ansas Strelow. Wie kam denn diese Konstellation zusammen?

– Ich war in Ms und Ks Studio um einige Solo-Sachen aufzunehmen, auf welche Karsten getrommelt hat und Markus den Bass spielte. Die Chemie war so perfekt, dass wir beschlossen ein ganzes Album zu machen. Die richtigen Mitstreiter waren schnell gefunden. Markus hat damals ein Album meiner Band LONG TALL 99 produziert. Roland Feldmann hat zusammen mit Karsten bei DOC EISENHAUER gespielt. Zusätzlich war Roland auch einige Zeit bei LONG TALL 99. Ansas Strelow ist eine regelrechte Keyboard-Koryphäe in Hamburg. Mit Jörg Wesenberg fanden wir dann schließlich noch den richtigen Sänger für uns. Das Songwriting ging ziemlich schnell vonstatten und es hat alles sehr viel Spaß gemacht.

Trotz allem hat es doch einige Zeit gedauert, denn Ende 2000 habt ihr doch schon mit dem Songwriting begonnen.

– Das ist richtig, aber es sind einige, weniger erfreuliche Dinge, in der folgenden Zeit passiert. So erlitt unser Drummer Karsten einen Herzinfarkt. Obwohl er erst 33 Jahre ist, hat ihn dieses schwere Schicksal ereilt. Aber glücklicherweise hat er sich in der Zwischenzeit wieder so gut erholt, dass er wieder voll einsatzfähig ist. Vorsichtig muss er zwar noch immer sein, aber er hat sein Leben insoweit geändert, dass er überhaupt keine Probleme mehr hat. Dann hatte ich noch einige Probleme mit einem Bandscheibenvorfall, der mich auch einige Zeit außer Gefecht setzte und zum Schluss erlitt Ansas noch einen Motorradunfall, bei dem er sich einige Rippen brach. Dies passierte gerade, als er seine Keyboardparts aufnehmen sollte. Zum Glück sprangen Jean Jaques Kravetz und sein Sohn Pascal für einige Keyboardpassagen ein. Trotz allem war es uns wichtig, so lange zu warten, bis alle wieder auf dem Damm waren. Zusätzlich hatten wir, durch die ganzen Missgeschicke, dann auch den richtigen Titel für unser Album. Nichts ist doch passender als ´Hearts & Bones´.

Dem kann ich nun wirklich nichts mehr hinzufügen, obwohl ich mir auch schon einige Gedanken um den Titel gemacht hatte. Ebenso hatte ich mir Gedanken über die Sache gemacht, sind KICKHUNTER nun eine Band oder nur ein Projekt. Wenn ich dich so reden höre, erübrigt sich diese Frage, denn deine Antworten klingen so enthusiastisch, dass ich ganz stark von einer Band ausgehen muss.

– Richtig, denn uns war es von Anfang an wichtig, als Band zu fungieren. Wir hätten sonst mit Sicherheit nicht auf die Genesung der einzelnen Musiker gewartet, denn man hätte sicher anderweitig Musiker gefunden. Genau das wollten wir aber nicht, denn wir sind richtige Freunde und wir wollten die Scheibe machen

Wenn ich mir das Album anhöre, merke ich sofort, dass euch dieser Sound wirklich am Herzen lag, denn er kommt mit so viel Herzblut daher, dass man auf gar keine anderen Gedanken kommen kann.

– Wir haben alle denselben Background und stehen total auf diese Art von Musik. Ich persönlich finde auch, dass man dies dem Album anmerkt und ich finde es schön, wenn andere es auch so sehen. Wir haben aber auch sehr viel Herzblut in das Songwriting gelegt.

Was ich ja auch schon angedeutet habe. Mich wundert aber nur, dass Markus Großkopf, der ja bei Helloween einen doch etwas anderen Sound macht, auf solche Mucke steht.

– Markus ist ein richtiger Rock´n Roller. Er hat sich mit diesen Songs auch einen kleinen Traum erfüllt. Er hat ja auch schon bei Helloween gezeigt, dass er auf solche Musik steht, denn einige Male waren schon Songs dieser Art auf Helloween-Alben vertreten.

Mir persönlich gefällt der Song ´Secretary Blues´ am besten. Die Keyboardpassagen erinnern einem total an Deep Purple Stücke.

– Das hat auch Jean Jaques Kravetz eingespielt, denn die Aufnahmen zu diesem Song fielen genau in dem Zeitraum, indem Ansas den Unfall hatte. Er zählt ja zu den Keyboardern, der Jon Lord das Wasser in allen Belangen reichen kann. Er wird nicht umsonst auf die gleiche Stufe mit dem Deep Purple Keyboarder gestellt.

Für mich ist Jörg Wesenberg auch der vollkommen richtige Sänger für euch, denn er passt zu den Songs wie dir besagte Faust auf´s  Auge.

– Das haben wir uns auch gedacht, deswegen kam für uns auch kein anderer Sänger in Frage.  Er hat das Zeug dazu, das gewisse Rock´n Roll und vor allem Bluesfeeling in die Songs zu positionieren.

Das sehe ich auch so, denn mit seinen Vocals erinnert er manches Mal an „klassische Bands“ wie Whitesnake, Bad Company oder ähnliche. Jetzt muss ich aber doch ein wenig kritisch werden. Stefan du sagtest ihr seid eine Band. Jetzt veröffentlicht Helloween demnächst ihr neues Album und dann wird mit Sicherheit eine Tour folgen. Wie sieht es denn bei euch aus, denn wenn ich bei KICKHUNTER von einer Band ausgehen muss, sollte ihr doch auch auf Tour gehen.

– Das werden wir auch machen, denn wir wollen auf Tour gehen. Es ist auch schon abgesprochen, dass Jens Becker (Grave Digger) uns auf einer kleinen Tour begleiten wird. Ihm macht es nämlich genau so viel Spaß dieses Material zu spielen. Unser Ziel war es von Anfang an, unsere Songs auch live zu präsentieren. Ich finde es nämlich auch nicht gut, einfach nur Platten aufzunehmen, um sich dann im Anschluss daran wieder ins stille Kämmerlein zu begeben um neue Songs zu schreiben. Dazu sind wir einfach eben nur Vollblutmusiker, die auch Liveshows zum Leben brauchen.

Das wollte ich doch nur hören, denn mit Sicherheit werde ich eine der ersten sein, die zu einem der Konzerte gehen wird. Eigentlich kann ich es gar nicht mehr erwarten. Falls ihr nun auch neugierig geworden seid, könnt ihr euch auf der Homepage von KICKHUNTER auch ein wenig Appetit auf diese Band holen. Zu erreichen ist sie unter:

Story: Gisela

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  96. Matt Lutovsky: The Eagles have been dominant virtually all year, losing just one of Jalen Hurts’ starts. The offense scored the third-most points this season and is borderline unstoppable in short-yardage situations, and the defense led the NFL in sacks and pass defense. Two games remain to decide who will be playing in Super Bowl 57 in two weeks. Will home teams prevail in the Conference Championships? Can a rookie QB make it to the Super Bowl before losing his first game in the league? We make our NFL expert picks against the spread for the Conference Championships here. But, maybe Shane Bieber potential? Someone with exquisite fastball command (and high-90s velocity), three other good pitches (his slider and changeup, particularly) and a high floor and ceiling? That’s Bibee. Another low-round pick (fifth round, 2021), another success story and another year in which the Cleveland Guardians remind the league that nobody develops pitchers better. — Jeff Passan
    Buffalo is a +375 favorite to win Super Bowl LVII in Glendale, Arizona in February 2023. Check out the updated NFC title odds and Super Bowl LVII odds ahead of Week 17 action. Here’s the complete list of Super Bowl LVIII odds from Caesars Sportsbook as of Tuesday evening: The Cowboys are sitting at +1200, meaning a $100 bet would fetch a $1,200 return if it hits. The Buffalo Bills and Kansas City Chiefs both lead the NFL at +750 each. The newly-defending Super Bowl champion Rams rank third at +1100. The Super Bowl odds are a unique animal for NFL betting, as it’s the one game of the year when the public players dictate the market due to the overwhelming amount of interest in wagering on Super Bowl predictions. If the odds have a + figure in front of them, that’s how much you win if you bet $100. So for +200 your win would be $200 plus your stake of $100. A total return of $300.

  97. by Kathy Miller | Jul 1, 2020 | Cannabis, Cannabis Research Depending on the type of cannabis and your tolerance, cannabis use may cause: That said, the goal of HerbCEO is to connect like minded cannabis lovers and entrepreneurs so if there is a strain that you feel is deserving of this list please add it to the comments section. We’ll treat our comments on this page like an addendum for those looking to discover some new, highly recommended and very much loved strains. © 2021All rights reserved. I will tell You that I personally enjoy the song „Wheels of Motion“ by Dj Fabio & Moon. This is a song that I’ve enjoyed many a time while studying, working out, driving (some of the best times), or when I’m just straight up chilling having those baller conversations with a group of new friends that I’ve just met or with old friends that only adds to the memory track.
    Gupta S. Why I changed my mind on weed. CNN. August 8, 2013. However, to date, there is a lack of conclusive scientific evidence to prove that CBD is an effective arthritis treatment for humans. Evidence notes that a cannabis-based mouth spray called Sativex may help relieve arthritis pain. However, the cannabis plant extracts that the company uses to make the spray contain both CBD and THC. Marijuana is derived from the dried flower buds of the cannabis plant. Cannabis is a flowering plant indigenous to central Asia and the Indian subcontinent. The plant secretes several compounds, one of which is cannabinoid. Cannabinoid is a diverse chemical compound that acts on the cannabinoid receptors in brain cells. The medical use of cannabis dates back thousands of years across several cultures, and the plant is also used for hemp fiber and its oils.

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  99. With this marker, writing on transparencies dries in seconds. Thanks to this marker’s water-soluble ink, writing on transparencies can be wiped off using liquid. Like acrylic markers, acrylic paints also suit black paper. But depending on brands, the opacity level of the colors varies. That’s why some colors show up vibrant and bold against the black surface. But some brands’ paint will barely be seen on black paper. So, choosing the right one is essential. Most acrylic paint will work on black paper. As discussed earlier on in this article, the heavier the paper (anything over 250gsm) the more successful the results and remember not to dilute your paint if working on a lighter weight. Mixing white into any of your paints will create a pastel shade or tint of the original colour, mixing the paints will really allow them to stand out on your black paper. We have used undiluted Americana paint on our paper just to test the colours and they worked beautifully!
    It is smart to create a comprehensive outline with thesis statement to help with the clarity and article’s organization. For it to be helpful, your outline should indicate the sections that you want to cover in the research paper. For each section, use some bullet point statements to guide and remind you what you should say or what ideas you should express in that particular section. A good outline allows researcher to work in chunks (especially when you have flow in your thinking), and it helps prevent you as a writer from getting overwhelmed by the whole task. It is highly recommended that researchers write in bursts of time, typically two to three hours at a time, to maximize energy and focus. In a nutshell, your research title should accurately capture what you have done, it should sound interesting to the people who work on the same or a similar topic, and it should contain the important title keywords that other researchers use when looking for literature in databases. To make the title writing process as simple as possible, we have broken it down into 5 simple steps.

  100. 10. Proof-read your paper prior to submission. This is especially important for humanities papers. Do not trust MS Word for this, read it again. Spelling and grammar mistakes make a good paper look bad which influences your grade. Some TA’s/professors give you leeway if they see that you have put effort in your paper. AlexKnolly — “I once said I would never buy a Tesla because of Musk’s behavior and I got a lot of ‘what abouts’ other CEOs. The issue is Musk has clearly chosen to make and reinforce himself as the public face of Tesla. If you see someone driving a Tesla, many people assume that person likes/is a fan of Elon Musk. No one ever sees a Bolt driving and thinks, ‘Wow, they must really love Mary Barra.’” Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Senator John Cornyn (R-Tex.) introduced the Senate version in 2013, 2015, and 2017 while the bill was introduced to the House by Reps. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) and Kevin Yoder (R-Kans.). Senator Wyden wrote of the bill, „the FASTR act provides that access to taxpayer funded research should never be hidden behind a paywall.“
    If you are asked to use MLA format, be sure to consult the MLA Handbook (9th edition). Publishing scholars and graduate students should also consult the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (3rd edition). The MLA Handbook is available in most writing centers and reference libraries. It is also widely available in bookstores, libraries, and at the MLA web site. See the Additional Resources section of this page for a list of helpful books and sites about using MLA Style. The main purpose of a research paper is to bring together different views, evidence, and facts from books, articles, and interviews. It will interpret the information into your own writing so that you can share these with other writers as well as an audience of readers. 

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    The landscape of modern dating has changed drastically in the last decade. Apps once used for casual hookups are now sending more and more people down the aisle. According to eharmony, 20% of current committed relationships began online. The key to a great Tinder bio might seem counterintuitive. Even though you’re obviously on the app to find a mate, you actually shouldn’t use your bio to list what you are or aren’t looking for, says Sarrah Rose, a certified tantric sex, love, and relationship coach. Whether you’re new to Tinder or the app has been taking up storage space on your phone for years, feeling pressure to make the best Tinder bio is a normal and familiar feeling. Not only do you want to use the „about me“ section to grab the attention of potential matches, but you also want it to perfectly capture your essence.

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    Keep traveling forward through history, people from the billiards industry create a more advanced 2 player physics game called Air Hockey. A decade or two later, the classic 2 player games are created. One well-known example is the game of Checkers. This is also about the same time that early console video games were possible. The perfect party game, 1-2 Switch is filled with all sorts of quirky mini-games. Games like Telephone, where the both of you must pick up the Joy Con as fast as possible and yell “Hello,” and Safe Crack, where you use the controller’s vibration feature to “crack open” a safe, make for the perfect 2 player experience with a friend. If you’re looking to play with more than two, check out our 3-player games and multiplayer games.

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    SHOP NOW For a precise line, apply using the fine tip of the pen. Turn on its side to create a thicker, bold look. This Givenchy khol couture waterproof retractable eyeliner is formulated to stay put, come rain or tears. It comes in basic black and brown, but also offers unique shades, like gorgeous lilac, jade, turquoise, and cobalt. This eyeliner also comes with a hidden sharpener at the bottom to get rid of any dull tips in a flash. Be it a simple eyeliner look or a fashionable winged eye look – an ideal eyeliner will help you nail any look! These vegan eyeliners provide you with precision, quality, and nourishment. So, what are you waiting for? Add a pop of color and flaunt your eyes guilt-free with these eyeliners! It’s a tough one between the HOLA NEON lipstick and ABSOLUTE NEW YORK eyeshadow, but I think I’d have to go with the eyeshadow as my fav this month.

  106. By clicking „Register“, I agree to the Bobbi Brown Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. HairBrown, Straight, Fine Sonia Kashuk Twist-Up Longwear Eyeliner Review It really does give you the look of liquid liner. I find it to be very easy to glide on with the Bobbi Brown eyeliner brush, I can do a very precise line without feathering. I sometimes use the Bobbi Brown Cream Shadow Brush, it gives me a nice fine line just using the tip of the brush. I have also used the tip of a lip brush (synthetic bristle) and used it as an eyeliner brush if I want a superfine line, works very well for me. Even better when it’s a product that isn’t all that revolutionary – eyeliner. How much more revolutionary can you get?! Ah but these Bobbi Brown Perfectly Defined Gel Eyeliners are so good!
    Express delivery. Shipment within 2/3 working days Instantly and continuously hydrates with a moisture complex of red fruit extracts, including watermelon, lychee seed and apple. Today I want to tell you about the new launch by Estee Lauder Double Wear Nude Foundation. I have it in one of the fairest shades 1N2 ECRU. I’m head over heels with the design of the product. Available in 21 shades. I was a bit nervous about reviewing the Double Wear Nude Water Fresh Makeup as obviously I have quite tricky skin that usually needs a lot of coverage, but it has improved quite a bit recently and I was surprised how I could actually get away with wearing this level of coverage without feeling like I needed more help. The shade I have is Porcelain (1N0) which is a really good match for me. What I like most about this foundation is that it gives a really natural, skin-like glow that just looks like skin; it doesn’t feel thick or oily on the face, so it’s a very comfortable product to use and wear.

  107. In the press release, Peugeot emphasises that space and load volume are precisely the same as in the combustion engine versions of the Rifter. In the five-seat configuration, that’s at least 775 litres. In the standard length (also called L1), the e-Rifter is 4.40 metres long and has five seats. In the long version L2 (4.75 metres), five seats are standard, with seven seats available as an option. If the seats in row 2 and the passenger seat are folded down, the load volume increases to over 4,000 litres. Compared to its sister models, the e-Rifter has an off-road/outdoor look with black plastic parts but has no separate off-road options. At 1.90 metres tall, the car should still fit into most garages and parking garages. „>01287 221 414
    The Leaf may be an affordable EV, but there’s nothing cheap about the way it drives. The suspension is unusually pliant for such a small car, and it gives the Leaf a smooth and easygoing ride, even on rougher road surfaces. The Leaf feels stable and composed when navigating twists and turns, and its steering is reasonably crisp and responsive. A tight turning radius makes the Leaf a cinch to maneuver in parking lots and on city streets as well. Nissan is introducing a new version of its Leaf EV, which offers a 385km range – the highest yet for the model. The launch of the Leaf was actually delayed because of the dramatic arrest of former CEO Carlos Ghosn in Japan. It’s coming this month to Japan for 4,162,320 yen ($38,000), will hit Europe later this quarter for 45,000 euros and arrive to US shores sometime this spring. US pricing has yet to be announced.

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  119. Any Bundesliga betting preview will have to start by focusing on Bayern Munich and their close rivals Borussia Dortmund, who will both be looked upon to show their leading qualities. Bayer Leverkusen could be a team to feature more prominently in many tipsters Bundesliga predictions, as they give every indication of being a club on the rise and deserving of such recognition. Another team that continue to impress and are well equipped to contest even more strongly at the top of the table are RB Leipzig. They are now firmly established in the Bundesliga and are showing every sign of being ready to take that next step. According to the odds presented by BetRivers, the favorites are not only on the side of a single team, but vary in each duel. However, considering that double games earn you more points, it is expected that Renegades will be able to take more points in this Friday’s match against the Chargers.
    Germany – Regionalliga West Prediction Soccer offers complete betting help through daily soccer predictions, tipster directory, informative blogs to stay updated on football events. Design and development by Jay Boice, Reuben Fischer-Baum and Julia Wolfe. Statistical models by Jay Boice and Nate Silver. As one of the most trusted football prediction sites, we have more than 90% confidence in our online soccer tips. We specialise in providing accurate soccer tips to cover all the major leagues in the world. English Premier League, Italian Seria A, Spanish La Liga, German Bundesliga, UEFA cups and international soccer competitions, to name but a fews. With the opening game of the World Cup here, below is a reminder of our World Cup futures selections.

  120. Guan Koh hat auch einen Namen für diese Erkrankung: „Eiternde Nintendinitis“ – so die Überschrift seines Beitrag im „Medical Journal of Australia“, erschienen im Dezember 2000. Der Beitrag endet mit dem Aufruf: „Wir empfehlen, dass alle Ärzte, die einen Patienten mit ungewöhnlichen Handverletzungen, Epilepsie oder Bewegungskrankheit behandeln, fragen: ‚Spielen Sie interaktive Computerspiele?'“ Jeu de tir au pistolet — Shoot them up Reproduction de Space Invaders, l un des premiers shoot them up, sorti en 1978. Un shoot them up (aussi écrit shoot em up ou contracté shmup, littéralement « descendez les tous ») est un ty …   Wikipédia en Français Der US-Rheumatologe Richard Brasington aus Wisconsin beschreibt im „New England Journal of Medicine“ vom Mai 1990 einen direkten Vorläufer der Wiiitis, die der Spanier Bonis 17 Jahre später im selben Magazin entdeckt: die Nintendinitis. Brasington hat sie an seiner 35-jährigen Schwägerin beobachtet. Sie spielte an Weihnachten mit der Konsole ihre Sohnes, dem „Super NES“ – fünf Stunden ohne Unterbrechung. Am Morgen darauf hat sie starke Schmerzen im Daumen.
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  121. Knowing generally how to Gua Sha is half the battle. Whether you want to use Gua Sha to depuff your eyes, sculpt your jawline, or take muscle knots out of your neck, the basic technique is the same. Follow this procedure for a successful, rejuvenating experience. Another common question is, “Can Gua Sha get rid of my wrinkles?” The practice of facial Gua Sha should first & foremost be understood as a health improving technique that increases the flow of blood, qi (energy), and essential fluids within your skin and tissues. By doing this, the appearance of wrinkles can soften and become less noticeable. But results may vary depending on age, intensity of facial muscle tension, and skin type. ✔️ Shape: Generally, you want a gua sha with smooth curves that’ll settle nicely into the contours of your face without tugging. But if you’re looking for a deeper massage, ones with a combed edge can stimulate multiple acupressure points at one time and activate more blood circulation, says Chiu.
    See More Stories Finding the best makeup for your skin type for your skin type is important. If your skin is prone to redness, concealers that have pigments added to balance redness will be very helpful. Thanks to niacinamide and marine plant extracts, this concealer smooths and softens skin, and has even got caffeine in it to help wake up the area under your eyes. It’s made with a proprietary „Hydroflex“ technology, which allows it to move with your face instead of caking around your natural contours every time you smile. Because the coverage is so full, it’s also not the most hydrating concealer on this list. Some might find this product drying, especially those with dry skin types. However, if you use a small amount and don’t overdo it, you shouldn’t have a problem with dryness as its formula isn’t as dry as other full coverage concealers on the market. Those with oily, normal, and even dry skin report to love this product.

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    Suomalaiset eivät tänä vuonna yltäneet pääturnauksen aivan terävimpään kärkeen, mutta rahasijoja tuli useampiakin. Paras suomalainen oli Santeri Välikoski, joka kuittasi 88 sijan turvin 64 000 taalaa. Toisena urotekona (naistenlehtien sivuiltakin kuulemma tuttu) Minna Ritakorpi oli 136. sijallaan turnauksen neljänneksi paras nainen. Suomalaiset eivät tänä vuonna yltäneet pääturnauksen aivan terävimpään kärkeen, mutta rahasijoja tuli useampiakin. Paras suomalainen oli Santeri Välikoski, joka kuittasi 88 sijan turvin 64 000 taalaa. Toisena urotekona (naistenlehtien sivuiltakin kuulemma tuttu) Minna Ritakorpi oli 136. sijallaan turnauksen neljänneksi paras nainen. Yhteys: info@pokerifoorumi Maanantaisen finaalin heads-up vaiheeseen tiensä selvittivät Lari Sihvo ja mestaruuttaan puolustava Seppo Parkkinen. Lopulta Sihvo nappasi 57.190 euron potin palkintorahoina.Fennia Grand Slam, 7000+300€ NL Hold’emTulokset:1. Lari Sihvo – 57.1902. Seppo Parkkinen – 35.9103. Sy Ngoc Hoang – 23.9404. Santeri Välikoski -15.960

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  125. SAN FRANCISCO — Salesforce, a maker of customer-management software, is buying Tableau Software in an all-stock deal valued at $15.7 billion. Tableau, on the other hand, is a business intelligence solution company that specializes in data visualization. The company offers one of the most popular BI tools in the market that is used by almost every single leading brand for data reporting. Late last week, Google announced it would buy Looker for its Cloud, in a $2.6 billion all-cash transaction. The tech giant’s venture capital arm had previously invested in Looker, and Google said it already shared more than 350 customers with the data platform. In a press release, the companies said each Tableau Class A and Class B common stock will be exchanged for 1.103 shares of Salesforce common stock, representing an enterprise value of $15.7 billion (net of cash), based on the trailing three-day volume weighted average price of Salesforce’s shares as of June 7, 2019.
    The application will be used by ordinary people once it is developed. No matter how good the application’s back-end is, if the user experience and user interface are not up to the mark, your application simply won’t get enough eyeballs. Therefore, you must have an impressive design for your app. The cost of web app development is heavily dependent on the country where the contractor’s company is located. For example, in the USA, the hour of work of a senior developer will cost about $100-300. Let’s compare it with other regions: To know the answer to the question: ‚How much does it cost to develop an app?‘, you should find out how complex the application you are about to build is. Functionality and number & complexity of implemented features are the biggest cost drivers in app development. Screens, buttons, fields involved, the amount of logic required matter a lot.

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    For a basic project in zip code 47474 with 125 square feet, the cost to Frame Basement Walls starts at $4.24 – $7.74 per square foot*. Actual costs will depend on job size, conditions, and options. Renovated basements provide a unique space that is highly beneficial to your home. Having a private gym, a beautiful entertainment space or an additional guest room are just a few of the many perks about renovating your basement. Nonetheless, renovation is a big financial undertaking. Homeowners often worry about basement renovation costs when they are looking to upgrade. “The finished basement is where most homeowners feel comfortable taking ‘decorative liberties,’” says Pantazes. Head to a thrift or salvage store and look for unique items. Want your space to feel like a ski lodge, a farmhouse or the ultimate football fan zone? “Channel your inner interior designer!” says Pantazes.

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    LOCKPORT, N.Y. (WKBW) — Financial help could be on the way for New Yorkers whose food insecurity benefits were compromised. In her proposed budget, Governor Kathy Hochul announced reimbursements for any New Yorker who had their SNAP benefits (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) stolen by card skimming. The Legend of The White Buffalo slot machine game from Cadillac Jack vendor is an online play with 5 drums. On the 1st and 5th reels, there are 3 columns; on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, one more is added. The theme of this casino machine is based on an Indian land, the women from the tribe, vases, and tomahawk axes as playing symbols. This slot is similar to Double The Devil. No, you will not be able to play Buffalo slot machines with a penny per spin. However, the slot machine has been designed similarly as a penny slot. That might be the reason why most people keep thinking it is a penny slot. If you want to learn more about this topic, here is a handyguide to penny slots.

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  137. Relatives said Paddock was worth at least US$2 million when he sold off the real-estate business. Among his most profitable investments was an apartment complex purchased in 2004, which gave him more than $500,000 in annual income by 2011. IRS records show he made $5–6 million in profits from its sale in 2015. Marc grew up on the mean streets of the South Bronx. He’s the rare combination of Yankees and Jets fan which explains his often contrarian point of view. He learned about gambling at a young age working down the street from a bookie who took action on anything from the mainstream sports to the last three digits of the purse for certain horse races. Yeah, that’s a thing. Today Marc is a freelance writer and social media consultant which allows him to work anywhere there’s a wifi signal. This allows him to work from the sportsbook at Red Rock Resort or the food court at The Venetian where you’ll find fast and free wifi. Writing about steak, booze, gambling and Las Vegas is a tough job but somebody has to do it.
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